Category: Uncategorized

  • Into every life a little crap must fall

    Into every life a little crap must fall

    So you’re walking around, smiling, thinking life is going pretty darn well, great even. Then thunder booms and down it comes, flowing in ever larger waves crashing toward you. Sometimes you see it coming and prepare complex evasive maneuvers, sometimes your first inkling is a face plant into it. I’m talking about crap. Crap in…

  • 2015: From squealy to terrifying – a newbie author’s year

    Welcome, 2016. This New Year’s Day I’m not gleefully kicking the prior year to the curb. 2014 was a dick but 2015 was more like your emotional, somewhat unstable friend that drags you into giddy highs and crushing lows.  You

  • 4 Reasons To Fail and LOVE it #NaNoWriMo

    Yeah, okay I’m failing at NaNoWriMo. Last year on this date I crossed the 50,000 mark, validated, then passed out on the floor. Yes. EARLY. Today my word count is less than 25,000. Why am I smiling? Well, I’ll tell you. 1          Because I’m failing like a rock star and by that I mean I’m…

  • All aboard the #NaNo train

    LET’S GET READY TO NANOOOOOOOOO. It’s nearly mid-October and NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is less than three weeks away. What? How did that happen?!  The fake spider webs in bushes and tombstones in front yards and good Lord the pumpkins, well now they’re everywhere. Turns out those are the reminders of NaNo AND Halloween.…