Tag: writing

  • A good morning

    Barn days are good days Even when my mood is down Horses lift me up



    2022 NaNoWriMo started out strong for me, writing more than 10K in the first week and another 4K in the next week. After two emergencies, (one ended up being minor thank goodness, the other definitely was not), all writing stopped. The severe colic of my horse sucked up every available moment, both emotional and time-wise.…

  • 29 days

    This month is gonna be busy. 29 days left to turn this turd fire of a manuscript into gold, okay maybe silver or bronze, but still, something pretty. I’ve struggled creatively since the 2016 election – I know I’m not alone here. *sympathetic fist bumps to all the writers* Anxiety and depression reared their ugly…

  • The #1 Question Authors Get

      When people find out that I’m an author I get comments  that I bet many authors get like: “I’ve never heard of you.”  Um, it’s Anna Kyle, I just introduced myself (I say silently, people, silently) “Oh, I only read NYT bestsellers/nonfiction/thrillers.” Nod and smile. Sometimes it’s a simple “that’s nice” before they move…