Category: Uncategorized

  • The Writer’s Job Description

    The Writer’s Job Description

      WANTED: Writer The world is looking for an organized and motivated writer to entertain, inform, and affect us. Candidate should be able to elicit a wide range of emotions at the stroke of a few keys. Skills and Abilities: Must be proficient in a wide range of plot choices and tropes as well as…

  • Sweet! Servants of Fate trilogy COVER REVEAL

    I’m so excited that Stealing Time, a novella that I adored, is now part of a sweet novella trilogy called Servants of Fate.  I wanted IN on the cover reveals and I GOT IT and now you have it for your romance cover viewing pleasure. You’re welcome. And the best part is that all three…

  • How horses shaped this author’s life

    How horses shaped this author’s life

    Writing and horses are two passions that traveled with me from childhood to adulthood.  I was the pesky kid who bugged her parents for a horse every Christmas and every birthday. I got a Breyer model horse instead (haha, not funny mom). Then around age 13 I got a Saturday job at a nearby stable in…

  • Why? Because I love reading romances

    Here’s a question that every author who writes romantic stories will absofreakinglutely get from family, from friends, from interviewers, even from strangers: Why do you write romances? Here’s my short answer: because I love reading romances. Of course I’m aware a few of the self-proclaimed literati recently decided to look down their noses and sniff…