Sweet! Servants of Fate trilogy COVER REVEAL


I’m so excited that Stealing Time, a novella that I adored, is now part of a sweet novella trilogy called Servants of Fate.  I wanted IN on the cover reveals and I GOT IT and now you have it for your romance cover viewing pleasure. You’re welcome. And the best part is that all three books will be out in November so we don’t have to wait to get our next fix of Father Time’s handsome sons. Thank you! I’m very bad at waiting, especially for sweet, funny romances written by Wendy Sparrow.

If you’re bad at waiting, too, here’s the info.

Stealing Time — Release date November 1, 2016

Father Time’s son, Zeit Geist, must sacrifice a mortal’s lifetime to the Fates each New Year’s Eve. Last year—inexplicably, really—he made an 11:59 substitution. The Fates are pissed and they’re after his mortal Hannah. With the year ending, he ought to figure out why he’d saved her—and why he keeps doing it.

Following an unlucky year, Hannah Lyons needs a week’s holiday in a lodge to unwind. What she gets is near-death experiences and a sexy immortal who can’t avoid kissing her, but might have to kill her. After all, even Zeit can’t hold back time indefinitely.

Excerpt from Stealing Time:

“You’re messing with time?”

He didn’t deny it. He just pulled his hand from hers and went back to eating. Her hand was cold without the heat from his palm, and she slid it off the table self-consciously.

“Will you stop doing that?” she asked.


“Why not?”

He set his utensils down again and looked into her eyes—as if he was gazing directly into her soul. “Because I’m the one keeping you alive.”

I love Zeit so much and I can’t wait to meet Tempus and Ruin. More on them below. November is gonna be a very nice month 🙂

The second and third books in the trilogy are:


Taking Time — Release date November 8, 2016  Tempus fugit. Time flies…unless you’re Tempus Halt, Father Time’s son. Day in and day out are the same, except for New Year’s Eve when he steals the life of a mortal on behalf of the Fates. This year marks his first failure to stay the monotonous course. A mortal’s kiss and her insistence on taking the place of his year’s sacrifice stalled out everything. Now, Tempus has to keep her alive for a year so his sacrifice isn’t wasted, but that’s the only reason—definitely.


Keeping Time — Release date November 15, 2016 When Ruin’s mortal sacrifice to the Fates on New Year’s Eve is already dying, it should be the easiest life he has to take, but not this year. The dying man knows Ruin is there to kill him, but he asks Father Time’s son to look after his twin sister. Ruin can’t stay away from the sweet and sensual Phoebe. His previous interactions with women changed the definition of his name, Ruin, so he can’t fall for her, especially when the lovely mortal doesn’t know he killed her brother.

Pre-order Stealing Time on Amazon or Apple or add it to your shelf on Goodreads

About Wendy Sparrow:
Wendy’s first forays into fiction earned her time-outs, punishment, and “how many times have I told you the Boy Who Cried Wolf story?” But, she persevered. She’s stubborn like that. Now, all her stories have a happily ever after and the lies are sexier and more elaborate. Sometimes, they even contain wolves. (Ha, mom! So there!) She’s active in OCD and autism communities and writes on her blog to support awareness in both. If she’s not writing or wrangling kids, she’s on Twitter, @WendySparrow, where she’ll chat with anyone about anything.