Category: Uncategorized



    2022 NaNoWriMo started out strong for me, writing more than 10K in the first week and another 4K in the next week. After two emergencies, (one ended up being minor thank goodness, the other definitely was not), all writing stopped. The severe colic of my horse sucked up every available moment, both emotional and time-wise.…

  • today i remember the ride

    I pulled out a CD, yeah I said it, a CD, so what. Yes, I’m an old. It was an old Doug Stone CD ” I Thought It Was You.” I literally cannot remember the last time I listened to it, maybe 10 or even 15 years ago. But today I reached for it. I…

  • Surprise!!


    Holy crap so this happened. Wheeeeee!!! World Weaver Press is an amazing publisher and I’m so grateful for all their support and hard work over the years (and hand-holding, not gonna lie, which the folks at WWP are also very good at:) ) turning my manuscripts into something that readers enjoy.  I’ve been so very…

  • 8

    6/10/11 RIP ps here’s your baby girl who is tough, loving, funny, and adored